Monday, April 24, 2017

Chucky Mullins

    Today, I shared my case study on Chucky Mullins with my small group.  It was exciting to share his story as well as my ideas on how OT could have benefitted him.  One thing we discussed was how OT could help Chucky with his relationship with his girlfriend. We were unsure if sexual activity would even be possible and if so how OTs could help him. As I was completing my case study I did not think about this aspect, so I'm glad new ideas were facilitated via this group discussion. Another aspect I made sure to address was helping Ole Miss become more of a universal campus.  Ensuring Chucky can get around campus is vital for him to perform his meaningful activities.  The group discussion helped me to share my ideas and get feedback on how we could improve the long term and short term goals.


1 comment:

  1. I love that you talked about helping Ole Miss to become a more universal campus because many people forget or don't think about being able to work with the college to making it more accessible to all :)
