Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Sim Lab Reflection

1.  I thought I did well until I watched myself.  After that, I would say I did good.  I noticed a few things I would like to work on or change.  I realized I did prompt Francis to answer questions which can skew the results of the assessment. I think I did well at getting to know Francis after I finished the assessment.

2.  I am most proud of the way I tried to relate to Francis and the situation she was in.  I enjoyed talking with her about her family and working on starting a therapeutic relationship.  After the assessment was over I did my best to ask about what she likes to do and her home situation. 

3.  I struggled with giving feedback when she answered the questions.  I did not want to let her know she got it correct but I also did not want to be rude in my response.  I prompted her with a couple questions which I know could affect the results.  I think I need more practice with giving assessments more objectively while remaining kind. 

4.  I would like to know how to effectively give an assessment under a time constraint.  Although I did finish in enough time that may not be the case every time.  I'm curious how it would be like to interact with a client that was not as welcoming and understanding as Francis was. 

5.  I would definitely use germ-x or wash my hands because I forgot that simple step this time.  I would not prompt Francis to answer questions correctly.  When I left I did not ask if she needed anything, so next time I would try to do that.  I would also like to improve my sitting posture.  I noticed I slumped over a lot and that I should start sitting up straight more. 

6.  I was reassured that I am in OT school for a reason.  I really enjoyed the real life experience and it was refreshing to start to apply what we learn in a clinical setting.  I learned that when I obsess over one thing going into a situation, odds are I'm going to forget it!  For example, Germ-x.  I told myself over and over to do that but as soon as I walked in I forgot.  So lesson learned, when I do get on field work I need to relax and create good habits in clients' rooms.  Lastly, keeping a client on task can be difficult, but with more experience I will be able to do it more effectively. 

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