Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Group Session Reflection #2

Worksheet 1-3 (Cole, 2018)
Leadership Assessment (Self-assessment)

Introduction: 8 out of 10
I should have given a time frame and outline of the group session.
Activity: 9 out of 10
I think the activity of putting on the cloth diapers using the rolling technique went well and the group learned from this. 
Sharing: 10 out of 10
I had each person to share about what they already know about cloth diapers.
Processing: 8 out of 10
The members elaborated on their hesitations about cloth diapers and what they have learned from this group.
Generalizing: 8 out of 10
I thought it was beneficial to go over the pros and cons of cloth and disposable diapers and have the group members think through these to decide what method is best for them.
Group Motivation: 10 out of 10
Having the baby dolls and cloth diapers for them to learn from made the group session highly motivating.
Limit Setting: 9 out of 10
I did my best to control how long the group spent on the two activities without taking away from their learning experience. 
Application: 10 out of 10
I asked the group about other ways we can potentially child-rear naturally.
Summary: 7 out of 10
I would have liked to do better at reiterating what was covered in the group and giving a more concise final summary.  

I have been looking forward to my group facilitation on the use of cloth diapers.  I knew it was not a typical interest of my group, but it would be beneficial knowledge as future pediatric occupational therapists and future parents.  When the group session began, I was struck with timidness.  I realized I was the only one in charge, while last time I had a partner to feed off of and ensure I was on track.  Once again, I forgot to give an outline or time frame of the session.  I think the nerves took over, and I lost my train of thought for my introduction. After a few minutes, I felt comfortable to lead the session.  I was pleased to see how fascinated the group members were about the use of cloth diapers.  I was not sure how intriguing this topic would be to them.  I found the discussion about the pros and cons of cloth and disposable diapers to be an exceptionally beneficial aspect of this group.  It allowed the members to briefly analyze the different characteristics of the diapers and what they think would fit their lifestyle best when/if they become parents.   When the group session ended, two group members told me they will now consider using cloth diapers when they have children.  I felt accomplished knowing I have provided them with a small bit of knowledge that they may carry with them after OT school.  I anticipate that this confidence and excitement will carry on in my potential group facilitations as a future OT. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you...as usual, you are quite well spoken in your reflections.
