Thursday, May 4, 2017

Cultural Competence

    In class today, we discussed cultural competence.  I am so glad this topic was brought up in our curriculum. It is so important as OTs to have our cultural competence skills fine tuned.  This will benefit us in the workplace, with clients, and even when using interventions with clients. 
    Learning about different professions' culture is important to be able to co-treat and work together.  There are so many professions that we as OTs will work with especially in an acute setting.  When a client knows that you are aware they have different values and you respect them, I feel like they will be much more trusting.  Empathy plays a huge role in this as well. I love the phrase, "walk a mile in another man's shoes", because it gives a good depiction of what it's like to try to understand another person. Lastly, being culturally competent is essential for intervention planning.  An example I thought of was how people eat. Some people eat with their hands, some people eat with chop sticks, and some eat with a fork.  Not all of these individuals would benefit with doing activities with a fork. While this is a minuscule example, it shows how culture can affect our daily lives.  Conclusively, I enjoyed our class on culture and I hope to continue to learn and grow from my classmates so that we can all be more culturally competent. 

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