Monday, May 15, 2017

Virginia's Case Study - Joseph Heller

     Joseph Heller was an author of No Laughing Matter, a book recalling his experience with Guillian-Barr'e Syndrome. He was diagnosed when he was 58 and it wasn't until he was 60 when he fully recovered. At the time of diagnoses he was in the process of writing his 4th book. It was interesting that his symptoms started at the middle of his body rather than the limbs. Doctors considered this an anomaly. His best friend and co-author Speed Vogel was also his caregiver during his time with GBS. Heller had issues with grasping door handles and lifting his legs to take steps. He was always pretty dependent on others because he rarely had the opportunity to do anything on his own. Sounds to me like he was pretty spoiled before his diagnosis with GBS. Therefore, OT could help him with his ADLs and learning how to be independent. According to Heller, GBS does not discriminate and it comes out of nowhere. I enjoyed learning about Joseph Heller and how it affected Joseph. Virginia did a great job!

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