Monday, May 22, 2017

Rachel White's Case Study: S.C. and MS

S. C. was born with congenital adrenal hyperplasia which lead to precocious puberty.  This means she started her period at the age of 6 months.  She also had GERD.  A week before her 21st birthday she was diagnosed with relapse-remission Multiple Sclerosis.  She enjoys riding horses and volunteers at a local hippo-therapy clinic a few times a week.  Rachel wanted a short-term goal for S.C. to be to tell all of her law school professors about her diagnoses. A long-term goal is to work on energy conservation.  OT can also help with fine motor skills.  I found it so impressive she has continued through law school without telling her professors about her having MS, but I hope she will tell them soon.  I enjoyed learning about S. C. and her life with MS.

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